"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
Hebrews 10:24-25

Sunday School
Our weekly Sunday School sessions offer a dynamic learning environment for individuals of all ages to deepen their understanding of scripture and Christian teachings.

Men’s Bible Study
Creating a welcoming space for men to connect, build relationships, study the Bible and grow spiritually over coffee, breakfast and conversation.

Fellowship Lunch
Our monthly Fellowship Lunch is a cherished gathering where the church shares a meal in the Fellowship Building after the morning service. All are invited to join us!

Men's Fellowship
We provide a structured opportunity for men to explore scripture together, fostering deeper understanding and application of biblical principles.

Prayer Meeting
A weekly gathering where we come together to lift up prayers to our God for the local church and the global church.

Women's Book Study
Women meet monthly to study topics from the bible and pray together. This provides a nurturing environment for women to delve into the scripture together.
Vacation Bible School
An exciting summer program for children, offering a week of fun-filled activities, engaging lessons, and memorable experiences centered around teaching from the Bible.
Liberty Fest Outreach
A community engagement where our church participates in our township festival. Through friendly interactions, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors.
Church Library
Ladies' Conference
Regional Prayer Meeting
Men's Conference
Immediately following the services, a selection of Christian resources are available on loan, including literature, reference materials, and multimedia materials.
Our annual conference seeks to encourage and strengthen women in their faith. Featuring dynamic speakers, engaging workshops, and uplifting worship.
We meet for prayer at members' homes once a month. This intimate setting allows for focused prayer and spiritual fellowship as we pray to our Father for one another.
Our Men’s Conference is an enriching event focused on fostering fellowship and deepening understanding of scripture among men in our community.