"We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves."

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13


Gordon Cook

Gordon was born in Ontario, Canada. He grew up with his three brothers as the son of a mining engineer and lived in many places throughout Canada. He was graciously drawn to Christ at the age of 16 after a serious car accident. After receiving a B.Th. from Ontario Bible College, Gordon also completed a B.A. at the University of Waterloo. In addition, he completed the three-and-a-half-year program of ministerial training at Trinity Ministerial Academy in Montville, NJ. Gordon taught for two years at a Christian school in Canada before being called to serve as a pastor at Grace in 1987. He is happily married to his wife Heidi, and they are the grateful parents of their son, Landon.

Mark Bauer

Mark was born in Maryland. At age 9 his family moved to central Pennsylvania where he attended a Methodist church. It was during his senior year at college, that by the grace of God, he was saved. After graduating with a B.S. in chemical engineering, Mark moved to Blacksburg, VA where he was married. It was there in Blacksburg, while attending a small Baptist church that he and his wife were introduced to the doctrines of grace by their dear pastor. In 1987, God brought Mark and his wife to Canton, MI, where they began attending Grace Baptist Church. In 1990, God opened a door for Mark to serve as deacon. In 2021, God called Mark to continue serving the church as a pastor. Mark and his wife Jill are blessed with two children.

Bernard Ibrahim

Bernard grew up on the east coast of the US and came to faith in Christ at an early age. After finishing college, he moved to Michigan for a new job opportunity and began attending Grace in 1992. Bernard joined the church the following year and was recognized to serve the church as a pastor in 2015. He is married to his dear wife, Punam and has two precious children.


Keith Beauchemin

Steven Hornby

Leino Pakala

Mike Rohler

Henry Schuyten