VBS - The Great Jungle Journey

Get your explorer's gear ready, and strap on that safari hat! We're embarking on an expedition through the heart of the jungle!

Day 1: Creation - The children will be taught that in the beginning God created all things, and that it was all good.
Day 2: Corruption and Catastrophe - We will see that sin enters the world, affecting everyone and worsening to such a point that God sends a worldwide flood.
Day 3: Confusion - Presents the events that took place at the tower of Babel
Day 4: Christ and Cross - We will show the children that man is sinful and needs a Savior and that God provides His Son, Jesus to save us from our sins.
Day 5: Consummation - The conclusion of history, Christ returns.
Grace Baptist Church
4075 S. Sheldon, Canton, MI 48188
August 5 – 9, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

If you have more than one child attending the event, please submit this form. You will be redirected back to the registration link to fill out another form for each additional child.