December 19%252c 2018

December 19, 2018

Author: Pastor Gordon Cook
December 19, 2018

Proof of the Incarnation

We often thank God for his death and resurrection, but perhaps not as much for his birth, for the incarnation. That word incarnation comes from the Latin. It means “in flesh”. It is a staggering miracle. Dr. Packer argues it is the most astounding miracle in all of Scripture. God became man. To what passages would we go in order to prove the incarnation? Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1: 26-28; John 1: 14 (read all three passages).

What three ways could we say that Jesus’ birth was different from every other birth? First, it was miraculous. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. Second, it was a fulfillment of prophesy. Isaiah gives us two prophesies years before Christ was born regarding the incarnation. Third, it was redemptive. He came to save His people from their sins; He came to die. We should always remember to thank God for Jesus’ birth. If He had never come into the world He could not have gone to the cross. We needed a God-man Savior. We can give thanks for this unspeakable gift, the birth of Jesus.

